European markets began the day in negative territory on Thursday, with stocks struggling amidst a volatile trading week. The pan-European Stoxx 600 fell by 0.65% at the opening, as nearly all sectors and regional exchanges saw declines. This dip follows a brief recovery on Wednesday, when regional stocks had risen in an attempt to rebound from the sharp losses earlier in the week.
The UK job market remains on a downward trajectory, with permanent hiring experiencing a nearly two-year decline and wage growth slowing, adding to the bleak outlook. Mid-July 2024 survey data highlights the ongoing challenges, which are likely to play a significant role in the Bank of England’s discussions on potential interest rate cuts.
German industrial tech leader Siemens reported stronger-than-expected quarterly operating profits on Thursday, reaffirming its positive full-year earnings outlook. The company’s industrial profit reached 3 billion euros for the quarter ending in June, marking an 11% increase compared to the same period last year. This growth was driven by robust demand in its electrification and industrial software divisions.
Sources: Yahoo Finance & Finimize