See how your money can grow
Investment horizon
An investment time horizon refers to the length of time you expect to hold your investment for.
Starting amount
The starting amount refers to the initial amount of money you want to invest.
Monthly investment
The monthly investment refers to the amount of money you want to invest every month
on a continuous basis.
Source: MSCI World Index since 1987 (Morgan Stanley). For investing, we assumed your initial deposit, plus the same amount invested every month with the average market return of the MSCI World Index since 1987 of 8.0% (not accounting for inflation). For saving, we assumed your initial deposit plus the same amount invested every month with no interest rate (not accounting for inflation).
Want to close the financial gender gap once and for all ?
Explore membershipYour questions answered
Female Invest is a one-stop universe for financial learning and community.
What’s included:
1) Financial learning
Our financial learning universe, consisting of in-depth courses, articles, and videos.
Weekly webinars delivered by expert speakers on wide ranging topics. Available both live and on-demand.
Weekly market news updates, which take place every Monday morning live and on-demand.
A broad selection of practical worksheets that turn thought into action.
2) Online community
Our exclusive network where you can meet and share knowledge with empowered and likeminded women.
Live Q&As where you can ask questions directly to our experts at Female Invest.
Money stories of other women which you can watch on-demand, designed to motivate and inspire.
Discount on selected community events, both in-person and online.
Yes. Female Invest welcomes anyone and everyone from all walks of life to transform their financial futures. Whether you’re new to investing or an expert, we definitely have something for you.
I’m a man. Can I join?
Yes. Female Invest is not a women-only community. We simply target women as the facts indicate that they fall financially behind men.
We offer one type of membership, but you can choose between paying monthly or an annual payment.
Monthly membership: Costs $13.00
Annual membership: Costs $139.00 per year
Please note that once a membership is granted, it will be renewed automatically. You can cancel your membership at anytime and you will still have full access to the platform until the expiry date.
Even though we only offer one type of membership, you can choose between a Danish, British or Global content regions. This is to support different currencies, languages and regions and provide more localised content.
🇩🇰 If you choose the Danish membership, you’ll have access to all content in Danish and automatically be assigned to DK-specific groups in our community. You can always assign yourself to other local groups. Unfortunately, we do not offer DK-specific content in English. For this membership we’ll charge you in Danish crowns.
🇬🇧 If you choose the British membership, you’ll have access to all content in English and automatically be assigned to UK-specific groups in our community. You can always assign yourself to other local groups. Unfortunately, we do not offer UK-specific content in Danish. For this membership we’ll charge you in British pounds.
🌎 If you choose the Global membership, you’ll have access to all content in English and automatically be assigned to Global-specific groups in our community. You can always assign yourself to other local groups. Unfortunately, we do not offer any DK or UK-specific content in this membership. For this membership we’ll charge you in American dollar.
Yes. You can cancel your Female Invest membership at any point. The cancellation takes effect upon your next payment. You will have full access to our platform and community until the expiry date.
You cannot withdraw your purchase. As Female Invest is a digital service, you hereby consent to waive your right of withdrawal upon creation of the membership.
We have a clear vision for the future we want to build and require a strong rapport with our community to get there. We acknowledge that this is not embodied in the current visual identity for our brand, nor in our tone of voice. This means elevating our visual and verbal communication to be a more bold, unapologetic and trustworthy — a voice that captures a cultural moment in history where women are taking control to build the lives they want to lead. But in guiding our community to a life on their own terms, we will also continue being light and safe space for them and humour will forever be a part of DNA, so the fun is not going anywhere! Luckily, we’re women. So we’re allowed to be complex.
We are committed to educating and empowering women to take control of their finances and to live life on their own terms.