Money Mindset: A Hypnotherapist’s Guide on Rewiring Your Financial Blueprint

"The possibility of dictating your financial blueprint is always there, and that is down to you"

Arianne Catlow
March 15, 2024
(Image: Female Invest)
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Money is a triggering topic that most of us are not ready to face head on. In our society we have been conditioned to keep quiet about our finances, rather than looking at them with open mindedness and curiosity. But looking closely at and rewiring your financial blueprint is the first step to making your money work for you.

What is a financial blueprint?

Have you ever wondered why some people attract money relatively easily, whilst others seem to struggle their whole lives and are always breaking the bank? I wondered this as I embarked on my journey into hypnotherapy and as I struggled with my own mindset around money. Since qualifying as a hypnotherapist, I’ve worked with countless clients to shift their mindset from lack to abundance. I’ve empowered many people to create financial freedom in their own lives and from my experience working with women in the area, there’s one common thread that comes to the surface – their financial blueprint.

Your financial blueprint is your subconscious coding and patterning around money. The neural networks you have in place that dictate everything you think, feel, and do about money. It’s whether you make the decision to buy that extra cocktail on a night out, whether you go on that cruise or save your money each month instead of blowing it all on takeaways. Believe it or not, your financial blueprint is guiding every single financial decision you make around money and it lives deep in your unconscious mind – which is why it’s up to you to dig out those deeply buried weeds and transform your mindset once and for all.

Your financial blueprint starts at age 0

And guess what? Most of what you think, feel and do about money was programmed into you from the ages 0 to 7. Ever heard the saying “give me a boy until the age of 7 and I will show you the man?” Well, that couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to your financial blueprint.

(Photo: Mathew Addington/Death to Stock)

Allow me to explain this. From the ages 0 to 7, you’re in alpha and theta brainwave cycles. That means your brain is operating from a constant state of hypnosis. That brain of yours was once a little sponge, learning to mirror your parents behaviour, soaking up beliefs about the world and absorbing all of the information you needed to know to become a well-rounded human.

Surprise surprise, that largely includes how you approach your finances. This coding from your early childhood years sets the groundwork for all the decisions that are dictating your bank account today. That is, if you haven’t made the conscious effort to change it.

Want to understand what your financial blueprint looks like?

In order to uncover your financial blueprint, all you have to do is take a long, hard look at your parents and how they were around money. Take some time to reflect on it right now: can you recall your parents ever using the term “money doesn’t grow on trees?” Or maybe some of you have a parent who frivolously spent all their money, only to find themselves struggling to pay the bills at the end of each month.

It’s safe to say these subtleties don’t go unnoticed when our sponge-like brains pick up on everything. Unsurprisingly, it’s these habits and behaviours that form and shape our own subconscious beliefs and patterns around money. Just picture it: your neural pathways were stitching up, based on how we’ve interpreted the world in our early years. That’s how your financial blueprint is formed.

"Our brains come with a built-in system for flexibility and change"

If your primary caretakers in those early years had good financial literacy, you may be lucky enough to be set up for life. But if they didn’t, your subconscious habits, thoughts and beliefs could be causing havoc when it comes to your personal finances.

How to reprogram your financial blueprint

Ok, so now you know exactly what your financial blueprint is. Maybe you’re starting to realise what yours looks like. Now I hear you say “what can I do to change it?” Well, first and foremost it starts with you, and only you.

It’s an empowering realisation to know that you’re the one in the driver’s seat. You get to dictate your financial mindset and there’s true power in breaking away from the habits that have been dictating your bank account for far too long. The good news is that our brains come with a built-in system for flexibility and change, giving you the ability to reassess, reorganise and grow your neural networks. Neuroplasticity is too often a missed opportunity. But when seized with both hands, it allows us to shift our habits and beliefs in a way that can create success like we could have never imagined.

Your subconscious learns through repetition

Numerous studies have shown that through learning and repetition of thought, new neural pathways can be created. But in order to acquire a neural pathway that works in your favour, the first (and often the most daunting) step is to get brutally honest with yourself. What are your beliefs around money? Where do they stem from? Get a pen and piece of paper and just start asking yourself. Really, truly, what do I believe about money? Tap into some of those standout childhood memories around money or think back to your parent’s attitude towards money as a powerful guide to help you here.

(Image: Female Invest)

Turning your financial blueprint around

Once you’ve gone back in time and identified what your beliefs are, you can then choose to believe something more empowering. For instance, “money doesn’t grow on trees” becomes “money is everywhere and I can obtain it easily.” Then it’s up to you to find ways to constantly meet that new affirmation and uphold similar supporting thoughts. When you consciously repeat a thought time and time again, a new neural connection is made –  turning thought into a fully-formed belief. Conscious bias then comes into play and we start to see supporting evidence of that new belief everywhere we go.

Trust me when I say that a thought repeated enough times becomes a belief and our beliefs determine our feelings and ultimately influence our behaviour. If your subconscious mind believes money is easily available, the truth is that your mind, in its clever little way,  will constantly use evidence to prove that as right. In turn, it becomes your reality. Just imagine if financial freedom was your reality.

Final thoughts

So, there you have it. Now I’m not going to claim it’s that easy, doing this takes some serious commitment! Think about it, we’re talking about changing your biological makeup here, the chemical structure of your brain. I wish I could tell you that there was an overnight fix.

But just remember and allow this to empower you: through determination and repetition, you can change, and the more that you practice the thoughts and feelings of abundance, the more those neural pathways will be reinforced. The possibility of dictating your financial blueprint is always there, and that is down to you.


We are committed to educating and empowering women to take control of their finances and to live life on their own terms.